For me this isn’t my first stab at video instruction, but to date this will be my most thorough attempt. I won’t lie, it was an excruciating process and I wish I could say totally enjoyable the entire time. I was overly critical at most points and I wanted absolute control over every shot, all while trying to be in front of the camera. This is impossible by the way. So my biggest challenge was to have folks who I could explain my vision to and have them help me execute what I hope is a great resource for you all. I also received some great advice a couple years back, set deadlines. I’m glad I did, otherwise this would have gone on into the abyss.
I am not a fan of keeping knowledge to myself, and if it weren’t for some great folks who imparted their knowledge to me along the way, I would not have made it this far in my progression. My hope is that this will spur an interest in making our community of boaters better in every way. Skills are just a part of this. What makes a sport and community great is the sharing of the wealth of information out there. This is my contribution this time around, and I will be bringing more in the future.
The Whitewater Troubleshooter stemmed from an idea during a conversation between a friend and I nearly five years ago now. I had always wanted to work independently and I thought one of the ways I could promote teaching and my progressions was an instructional film. We discussed how many of the approaches have either been taken or already done extremely well. After filming this time around, I now know their is an infinite number of ways to approach and present topics and it is only limited to our imaginations.
A lot of what you will see over the next six weeks will not only be a how-to, but a how come approach to common problems for advanced beginners and intermediates. This will not only address the skill itself, but the approach to how we teach and learn the skills.At the end of the day I know my approach is not the end all be all. It is just one of the ways to go about it. If you enjoy please feel free to share the love and pass the videos along. They will always be available for free.
Thank you,
Chris Wing
And without further ado, Episode 1.
[st_video video=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OmXS8qxHCc” ratio=”16:9″ width=”” height=””]
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