Boy, oh, boy, what a busy fall we’ve been having! We’ve been slammed with clinics, lessons, moving… and, oh yeah: smoothing out details for our first ever international adventure travel trip to Chile. We are so, so excited!

We’ve also been working on our 2014 details, sprucing up the website, and planning our next big adventures. You’ll notice a web makeover that hopefully makes navigating and exploring a lot easier and more fun, but we’ve added some exciting new programs as well. Here’s a quick overview of what’s in store for 2014:
– Immerse yourself. Something that we are really stoked to announce for this next year is our new Immersion Weeks, a five day intensive course covering everything from playboating to rescue, creeking to big water running. We got this idea after a rainy summer brought warm weather creeking and led us into a nice, fluffy Gauley season. Wouldn’t it be great to cover all your bases and get the best of the many worlds of kayaking? That is what’s on the table for our newest program, and we cannot wait to see Immersion students on the water.
Zen paddling is best achieved when you do it all. When we pigeon hole ourselves into one discipline of kayaking, the result is one-dimensional paddling.
– Save the date. But really, save it! We’ve got all our Spring 2014 clinic dates posted so you can plan ahead. Plus, with our snazzy new online registration form, you can even get registered for these classes while marking them down on your calendar. Check out available dates for Creeking Clinics, Fundamentals of Freestyle, Immersion Weeks, and Common Sense Rescue.
– Listen. We’re going to be setting up our first ever Speaker Series- this Spring! More details to come soon, but needless to say we are really looking forward to sitting down with our river community that we love so much and swapping some ideas. Stay tuned!
– Hit the road! Our 2014 Tributaries Tour is going to be one for the books; we are so passionate about kayaking, rivers, and our beautiful landscape that creates such incredible opportunities for us. We will be traveling throughout the Southeast, visiting boating communities and collaborating with fellow paddlers in hopes of surveying and learning from the diverse and beautiful paddling communities of the region. These tours will include multiple days of mini clinics, discussions, and good ole whitewater boat ridin’. If you’re interested in hosting H2o Dreams at your next club event, check out our proposal here and drop us a line!
Naturally, 2014 will be filled with lots of one of our favorite pastimes- video work!- so be sure to stay on the lookout for new videos as we enter the new year. Much of our fundamental programming, including private instruction and youth coaching- will remain fresh and accessible with the addition of our new courses. If you have an idea for a new program, destination, or video, let us know! We are always looking forward to creativity, innovation, and keeping ourselves on our toes. The New Year should bring some exciting material from our Chile trips and we look forward to sharing what is sure to be a fantastic adventure. Until then, happy paddling!
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